Prayer is essential to what we do.

God wants us to take a moment from the busyness of our lives and find rest, renewal and direction in him.  

We ask you to join us in celebrating:

the congregation establishing the postion of a Director of Music.  We think this new position will bring a great renewal and revival to our congregation, and encouraging people to join us together in person worship .  This person will, by God's grace, help bring a unity in the diversity of our lives and help our worship life become a formative place of our faith.

We ask you to join us in prayer:

for our Search Team, that God will bless their work and for their discernment as they look for well-qualified persons that can help lead us in the music ministry of Timothy, and then as they interview and make a recommendation to the congregation in the coming months.  

for the people that the Search Team will be contacting, that God will move in their hearts to catch the vision of Timothy's ministry and be inspired to want to be part of our next chapter of minsitry from our neighborhood to the nations

for all those who have not yet been connected to Christ through Timothy, that through this new ministry position, many more will find life and salvation, in ways that we have never been able to before.


Your prayer and support is important.  None of our ministyr would be able to happen, nor would it ever find success without prayer.  We gather for prayer as well.  How can we pray for you?  Let us know by click on the link below