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Our generous God.

This is a time of year that many of us will celebrate with great parties and fine feasts.  The Bible tells us that God has created this world to be an expression of his love, filled with opportunity and abundance.  Ultimately, He gives himself.  And we’re called to keep the party going, to spread his goodness.

Whether it’s making someone smile, helping a neighbor out, or showing up for people we care about, we each have something to contribute.  One of the most important ways that we can experience the abundance of God’s new creation is sharing with others because of our trust that God is the generous party host.

Timothy commits itself to living out this generosity through all of the various ministries we labor towards.  From things like Noah Comfort Dog and Stephen Ministry, to children's ministry through Word of Life and our music programs, from work among senior population in LASM, to new arrivals to America through CFNA.  And through it all we are able to do this because of our generous God who works through you and your gifts.

On this Giving Tuesday, a generous giver has offered a $5,000 challenge to support Timothy's mission to bring the Gospel of Jesus from our neighborhood to the nations. That means your GivingTuesday contribution can have double the impact.