Lutheran Church Charities K9 Comfort Dogs are friends who bring a calming influence, allowing people to open up their hearts and receive help in times of need.

Noah's Mission
Psalm 29:11 ""The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace."

Noah interacts with people at churches, schools, nursing homes, hospitals, events, and in disaster response situations.


A dog is a friend who brings a calming influence, allowing people to open up their hearts and receive help for what is affecting them.


Connect with Noah and his team of handlers on his Facebook Page here.


Read an article highlighting the work of Noah and other Comfort Dogs in The Voice, the LCMS Missouri District's monthly electronic newsletter (September 2019):


There’s a rising trend of using Comfort Dogs to help people deal with stress and trauma. The benefits of petting a dog on blood pressure and soothing a troubled mind are well documented. What separates the Lutheran Charities K-9 Comfort Dog Ministries from other programs is that in addition to a highly trained golden retriever, these comfort dogs come with handlers who receives specialized training to share the love of Christ with people in need.


...Noah, the comfort dog for Timothy Lutheran Church, came to St. Louis because Sue Nielsen saw a special on television about comfort dogs after the tragedy at Sandy Hook. Ruth McDonnell, a deaconess, arranged for the congregation to meet with another LCMS deaconess who was working with a comfort dog ministry. Within a year, the congregation had raised enough money to step into this unique ministry. Click here to continue reading at the Missouri District website.